Preliminary Checking Service

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This page describes the preliminary checks performed after a design is submitted to A' Design Award.

Executive Summary
Learn how good your design would perform in the competition, free of charge before paying the nomination fee by simply uploading your project. The preliminary jury will check your entry and provide a score within several days. Login now and upload your design to benefit from this service. The Preliminary Score service is free and confidential.

95% of Designers obtains a free design score before nominating their work. Get a free design score now.

What is Preliminary Design Score?
When you upload your design to the A' Design Awards, after a period of time preliminary reviews are performed by a random jury member to provide insights on your design and its presentation, this consultancy service is free and you get constructive feedbacks on how to improve your presentation. The following aspects are considered: essential design quality, visualization & presentation characteristics, and category compliance, the images, the descriptive text, the video and the documentation. Your design will be either approved (for nomination) or rejected (suggested to improve presentation before or after nomination to make it more competitive) and you will receive an update via email that suggests the next course of action. The jury member will also comment on your project, usually in a constructive way to improve it further via presentation. The preliminary jury member will also provide you with honest suggestions on how to enhance your presentation in a way to get maximum value for your participation.

How much does it cost?
Preliminary design checks, presentation reviews and preliminary judging service is all provided free of charge to you as a courtesy of A' Design Award and Competition. This is a free service offered by A' Design Award & Competition, a more advanced and accurate, paid service (Professional Preliminary Evaluation and Judging) is available on demand. The service takes usually 72 hours from your upload, and if you are not able to wait a few days, an express preliminary checking service is also available on demand. Obtaining a free preliminary score does not create an obligation for you to nominate your work and the service is provided to you in a confidential manner.

Preliminary Design Score

Disclaimer: (1) Preliminary Score is not a final status; your final score will be based on Grand Jury voting. (2) Preliminary Score is not guaranteed to be accurate, the service is provided as is, where is and as available basis. (3) Preliminary Score is subjective and is subject to change; your score could increase or decrease if it is viewed by other preliminary jurors, if you make any changes to your work or if same jurors check your design in more detail. (4) Preliminary Score will not be seen by the Grand Jury Panel and will not work as an anchor to determine your final outcome; Preliminary Score does not effect your final outcome which will be determined by Grand Jury Voting.

What are indicated?
Status Response: Indicates whether your design is accepted or rejected or if it is still queued. Presentation Suggestions: Suggestions that are correlated to the status response. Additional Jury Notes and Presentation Feedback: Indicates suggestions by the jury member that performed a preliminary check on your design. Simple Likert Scale: Indicates the likelihood of your design winning the A' Design Award. Presentation Score: Numeric score for the completeness and compliance of your design presentation with best practices designed to help you obtain a fair and meritocratic assessment by the jury panel.

Preliminary Design Score

How to Get a Free Preliminary Score?
Just upload your design and wait. All you need to do in order to get a free preliminary design score is to upload your design to the A' Design Award and Competition. There are no obligations to nominate afterwards. Many designers upload all of their top projects (as many as 100), and wait for a preliminary score for all of their projects and afterwards nominate all the entries that get a good score. A score of 6 or more could be considered good for the preliminary score, and the table below explains it to you better, furthermore there is also possibility to get a free presentation score, the presentation score is different from preliminary score. Preliminary score is from 0 to 10, and the presentation score is from 0 to 100. The preliminary score is about your design and its design quality, the presentation score is about the presentation of your design. You can also make use of the advanced submission optimizer to increase your presentation score as well as potentially the preliminary score by better explaining and presenting your work.

What are possible responses?
Your design can be either APPROVED, REJECTED or QUEUED. If your design is APPROVED, you are encouraged to nominate it. If you do not nominate your design, you will not be eligible for the award. Please read below to learn more about APPROVED entries. If your design is REJECTED, you are discouraged to nominate the design without improving its presentation, it is important to understand that the rejected status does not mean your design is eliminated and a rejected status does not mean that your design cannot be nominated; you can still nominate a design with rejected status yet with this status we are recommending you to improve your presentation in this case to make sure it becomes more competitive. To highlight; the rejected status means that your design could still be eligible for winning the award but your design is not compliant with presentation guidelines and thus may potentially not appear on the annual results, yearbook or online participations unless you make some modifications and make your images, text and presentation compliant with our presentation guidelines. Rejected status also imply that your entry has bad presentation; and we recommend updating your presentation and making it good. The main rejection reasons as well as confirmations and feedback will be sent to you by email and are also available from your Control Panel at My Uploaded Designs section. As you may see, you could still nominate some of the rejected entries. If your design is QUEUED FOR REVIEW, you can update your design by entering further information, updating text and uploading images and wait for review. Feel free to contact our support if you do not get your preliminary score within 7 days after upload; in general the score is provided to you within 72 hours.



Important: Each time you update your design (upload images or update text) your preliminary review queue and STATUS resets. The new status becomes QUEUED FOR REVIEW. JURY NOTES will not reset so that we could track the process of changes. You will get a Preliminary Score only after providing enough details and getting a Presentation Score of 25 or higher.



What does it mean?

Suggested Action

Can I still nominate?

Totally Approved Everything looks okay, it is a good entry, and it is nominated successfully. Wait for results. No. Already Nominated.
Not Yet Nominated Everything looks okay, it is a good entry, but it is not nominated. Nominate your design. Yes, encouraged.
Description Should Be Improved Although your images look good, the description for your design is missing or needs improvements. Update description and nominate. Yes, encouraged.
Visualization Should Be Improved Although the project is unique and appealing, visualization and presentation for your design could be improved. Update visuals and nominate. Yes, encouraged.
Presentation Should Be Improved Although the project is unique and appealing, visualization and description of your design could be improved. Update visuals, description and nominate. Yes, encouraged.
However.. There is.. Read the note suggested by the award jury, depending on note you might be required to update specific sections of your entry. Read and follow jury feedback. Yes, encouraged.
Queued for review. A preliminary jury member will check it soon after you enter enough information and upload visuals. Update visuals and text. Yes.
Express Judging. A preliminary jury member will check the entry very soon before passing to the award jury. Improve Score. No. Already Nominated
Submission Lacking Description The descriptive text is missing. Update description. Yes.
Submission Lacking Images There are not any images uploaded. Upload images. Not Advised.
Submission Lacking Video The video is missing. Note: Video is optional for other categories and this is indicated usually for interactive categories. Upload video. Not Advised.
Submission Lacking Link The link or URL is missing. Note: Link or URL is optional for most categories and this is indicated usually for interactive works.. Indicate url of link. Not Advised.
Incomplete Submission There are not any images uploaded and the descriptive text is missing. Upload images and update description. Not Advised.
Presentation Requires Improvement Your presentation is not good. Download and follow presentation guidelines. Download and follow presentation guidelines. Yes.
Presentation Requires Optimization Your presentation is not great. Follow the hints suggested by the Advanced Submission Optimizer. Optimize design. Yes.
Incorrect Image Dimensions The image you uploaded does not have the correct dimensions. Upload images in correct dimensions. Yes.
Low Image Quality The images you uploaded is either low-resolution or needs better visualization. Upload high-resolution images. Yes.
Additional Images Needed The main image is not enough to communicate your design. Upload additional images. Yes.
Bad Description The description text must be changed due to one of the following reasons: 1. Your description consists of html code, 2. Your description consists of non-readable text. 3. Your description is in a foreign language. Update descriptive text. Yes.
Unclean Image The images you have uploaded contains watermarks, logos or texts that are not part of the original design. Modify your visuals. Yes.
Wrong Category Your design does not match the category selection. Choose correct category. Yes.
Document Needed Please upload required documents for your submission category. Upload documents. Yes.
Incorrect Language Your design contains non-English text. Update texts in English. Yes.
Dark Image Your image is too dark. Upload lighter image. Yes.
Images Contain Text Your visuals contain text. Remove text and reupload. Yes.
White Background Required Your images do not have white background. Clean background and reupload. Yes.
Center Objects Your subjects are not centered to the canvas. Center and reupload. Yes.
Professional Photography Needed Your photography quality is low. Work with a photographer. Yes.
Move Technical Drawings Your images contain technical drawings. Replace technicals with other images. Yes.
Zoom Out Slightly Your subjects are too close. Zoom out. Yes.
Zoom In Slightly Your subjects are too far away. Zoom in. Yes.
Crowded Main Image Your main image is a collage. Use a single image. Yes.
Remove Borders Your images contain borders. Remove borders. Yes.
Colors Too Saturated Image colors are too saturated. Destaurate and reupload. Yes.
Remove or Reduce Shadows Your subject or object has (fake) shadow. Reduce or remove shadow. Yes.
Remove or Reduce Reflections Your subject or object has (fake) reflections. Reduce or remove reflections. Yes.
Increase Brightness and Contrast Your images are dark and not sharp. Increase Brightness and Contrast. Yes.
Presentation is Too Technical Your presentation is too technical. Make it aesthetic and visual. Yes.
Images Oversaturated Your images are too bright. Decrease light. Yes.
Center Objects Your objects are not centered to the canvas. Center and reupload. Yes.
Duplicate Images You uploaded the same image for multiple image slots. Use unique images for each slot. Yes.
Rendering Needs Improvement Your rendering quality is low. Get help from a renderer. Yes.
Insufficient Textual Description You did not provide enough background information for your design. Fill all optional texts and provide more information. Yes.
Incorrect Resolution Resolution of your images are not set as 72DPI. Use image processor and set DPI as 72. Yes.
Bad Naming When your name and primary function is glued and put together, it does not make sense or is too long. Fix design name and primary function texts. Yes.
Ambiguous Description Your text does not make enough sense for us to understand what you are talking about. Use clean language and explain design properly. Yes.
Isolation Required Some of your images are blending to background. Isolate your work on clean white background. Yes.
Grayscale Images Your images are grayscale. (Exception: Photography Category) Do not upload grayscale images, use all colors. Yes.
Remove Logo You have placed additional logo graphics to your presentation. Remove all logos that are not part of original design. Yes.
Rotate Images Your images are not straight. Rotate images back and make them straight. Yes.
Repeating Text You have repeated text. You have repeated text. You have repeated text. Do not repeat text. Yes.
Remove Marks Your design presentation contains elements that are not part of your design. Remove logo, symbol, marks from your presentation. Yes.
Sensitive Information in Images You have included technical drawings or other data in your images that should not be included. Remove technical data and images to PDF document. Yes.
Action Shots Needed You need to show how your design works by a photo that shows how the design is being used. Take a photo of your product while being used by a person. Yes.
Ambient Shots Needed You need to show where your design is used. Take a photo of your product in the area of destined use. Yes.
Remove Filters Your design have image filters that reduce quality and clarity. Remove image filters. Yes.
Rest on Ground Your products are magically floating in the air. (Exception: actual flying objects such as drones, planes etc). Rest your products on ground. Yes.
Flat Colors Your colors (usually in reference to photographs) lack contrast. Introduce contrast to your images. Yes.
Dirty or Dusty Your product shots look dirty and dustry. Clean your product before taking photos. Yes.
White Balance Required Your white background is not white; it is pink, blue or greenish. Adjust white balance of your images. Yes.
Concealed Category Warning You have entered your work to a concealed category. Make sure to double check category. Yes.
Remove Overlay Elements Your presentation contains additional graphic work that is not part of your designs such as arrows, vectors, texts, symbols. Remove all elements that are not part of original design. Yes.
Third-Person Narrative Required Your text does not comply with editorial guidelines. Use third-person narrative for text. Yes.
Detail as Main Image You used a detail or macro shot of your product as main image but your whole design or project should be visible for the main image. Replace main image with complete view of your design. Yes.
Other Designs as Part of Main Image You have some other, third-party designs in your main image that are more prevalent than your own work. Zoom to your own design or remove other elements. Yes.
Washed Out Images Your images are lacking color contrast and depth. Adjust images and increase contrast. Yes.
Artifacts in Images You have small visual glitches such as lines, weird pixels edges or graphic elements left in your images. Remove all glitches. Yes.
Crowded Optional Images Your optional images are cluttered due to cramming many images or content together. Use single visual for each optional image. Yes.
Expand Graphic Presentation Your graphics presentation is weak. Showcase your work in different mediums. Yes.
Center Images You should center your images to your canvas, do not position right or left; position middle-center always. Center your images vertically and horizontally. Yes.
Move or Replace Sketches Your presentation contains rough sketches or initial drawings. Remove rough sketches and initial drawings. Yes.
Focus Your images are literally - optically focused on an unrelevant detail or background. Focus on your work. Yes.
Square Images Highly Suggested Your images are not square, but they would work better if they were square. Make your images square. Yes.
Remove Thin Borders Your images have thin very subtle borders. Remove all thin borders. Yes.
Title Case Required You used ALL CAPS or lowercase for Design Name, Design Primary Function, Team-Member Names, Image Credits, Book Page & PR Design Name, Book Page & PR Designer Name and Client Name.  Use Title Case. Yes.
Exterior as Main Image For some particular categories, main image must not be an exterior. Use interior image as main image instead. Yes.
Images Lacking Dynamic Range Your images are lacking dynamic range, overexposed or underexposed. Enhance images, retake photos or rerender images with better settings. Yes.
Reduce Perspective Your images have perspective distortion and foreshortening. Reduce levle of perspective. Yes.
Remove Dimensions and Measures Your presentation have an image where there is detailed technical measures, dimensions or size details. Move technical details to PDF, replace technical image with an appealing visual. Yes.
Disorganized Main Image Your main image which includes several objects or designs is not organized, and rather chaotic. Bring order and balance to your main image. Yes.
Panoramic Main Image Your main image is over-panaromic, too wide or too thin, details are hard to see. Make sure your image is at least 2400 x 3600 or 3600 x 2400 pixel wide within the 3600 x 3600 pixel canvas. Yes.
One Last Image Your presentation can benefit from one more image. Add one more image. Yes.
Artistic Main Image Your main image is too much artistic, but in a negative way; it is an excellent image itself but it is not an excellent image for communicating your work. Unless you nominate a work for photography award, use functional images instead. Yes.
Lost in Details You focused too much on details such that the greater project is not understandable anymore. Zoom out and use wide-angle views. Move details to PDF Document. Yes.
Nudity in Images Your images contain nudity or sexuality. Censor your images or move nude content or nominate to a concealed category. Yes but to Concealed Categories Only.
Legal Restrictions Your product, design or service is a highly restricted product or illegal service in some countries. Change category and nominate to a concealed category. Yes but to Concealed Categories Only.
Socially Inappropriate Image The image you uploaded is not appropriate because it is socially not desired. Modify or censor your design Not Recommended.
Corrupt Image The image you uploaded cannot be displayed properly. Re-upload your images. Not Recommended.
Wrong Image You have uploaded a wrong image or possibly you have entered the descriptions of a different design or uploaded the image of another design, or the category of the work does not match with the selected one. Replace existing images. Not Recommended.
Multiple Design Confusion You have submitted multiple designs or projects as a single entry. You can either submit these distinct designs under different categories or remove the other designs from the submission and leave the main image only. Remove some of the designs from the single entry. Not Recommended.
Licensed The design you have entered either is very similar to a licensed or previously patented or copyrighted design, product or idea. Delete your submission or modify your design to make it distinct. Not Recommended.
Unclear Design We cannot understand your design from the images you have uploaded and description you have provided. Clarify your design with images and text. Not Recommended.
Spam Submission Your submission appears to be spam. Delete your submission. Not Recommended.
Identifiable Your design is identifiable; the name of the designer or the company is clearly seen. Remove Logo and Texts from images. Not Recommended.
Main Image Missing Your entry is missing the main image. Upload Main Image. Not Recommended.
No Weapons You have uploaded weapons. Delete your submission. Not Recommended.
Copyright Issues You have uploaded images that incorporate third party intellectual properties. Remove third-party intellectual properties. Not Recommended.
Duplicate Presentation You have uploaded the same design multiple times using similar images. Change your presentation or design. Not Recommended.
Incorrect Image Type The images you have uploaded are not Jpeg files. Upload 72DPI Jpeg images. Not Recommended.
Too Bright Idea You uploaded blank white images. Remove blank white images. Not Recommended.
Model Release Agreement Missing You have people in visuals, but a model release agreement is not presented. Remove people images or upload model release agreement. Not Recommended.
Images Distorted Your images are distorted or not proportionally resized. Fix your images and re-upload. Not Recommended.
Trademark-Use Permission Missing You have trademarks, logos or brand names in your images or text for which you have no right to use. Provide trademark-use permission. Not Recommended.
Dangerous Your design is dangerous or does not have security features or considerations. Delete your entry or make your design safer. Not Recommended.
Dummy Submission Your entry is a placeholder. Replace placeholder content. Not Recommended.
Out of Brief Scope Your entry does not comply with brief requirements or category requirements. Change category or change design. Not Recommended.
Remove A' Design Award Content Your entry contains A' Design Award logo, graphics or other intellectual properties. Remove A' Design Award content from your entry. Not Recommended.
Certification Required Your entry is making scientific or performance claims for which a certification is not provided. Provide certification or remove claims. Not Recommended.
No Politics Your entry is designed for advancing a political agenda. (Exception to this is Social Design Category). Remove political content. Not Recommended.
No Celebrity Content Your entry have celebrity photos or content for which you have no right to use. Provide license or model release by celebrity or remove work. Not Recommended.
Copyright Affidavit Missing Your entry contains content that seems to belong to third-parties. Provide affidavit that the content is yours, provide invoices and licenses or remove content. Not Recommended.
Protected Intellectual Property Your design is based on a third-party intellectual property. Delete your entry. Not Recommended.
Remove Filler Images Your presentation contains filler images. Delete or replace filler images. Not Recommended.
Nudity in Images You have selected a public category but have nude images in your presentation. Remove nudes to PDF or delete them, alternatively nominate to Concealed Category. Not Recommended.
Paraphrase or Fix Text Your descriptive text does not make sense, wrongfully translated or incoherent. Get help from a native English speaker or translator. Not Recommended.
Underdeveloped Your conceptual design is too vague for evaluation. Submit more developed, improved version. Not Recommended.
Weak Visual Presentation Your visual presentation is very weak. Improve visual representation. Not Recommended.
Special Characters Your textual description contains special input, unicode text, nonprintable ASCII or html entities. Remove special characters first. For your texd, use printable latin ASCII range only. Not Recommended.
Already Submitted You have already nominated the design under a different entry. Do not nominate, but you can keep it. No. Already Nominated.
Duplicate Entry You have submitted the exact same design or images as a seperate entry. Remove duplicate presentation first. Not Recommended.
Account Type Restricted Naming You are using company, brand or institutional name but you have a professional or young account type. Update your account type or remove references to company names. No. Will be either disqualified or fined.

Preliminary Design Score



What does it mean?

Suggested Action




10 If nominated, your design is highly likely to win a Platinum or Gold A' Design Award. Your design is very less likely to receive runner-up or participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 99% - 97% 01% - 02% 00% - 01%
9 If nominated, your design is highly likely to win a Gold or Silver A' Design Award. Your design is very less likely to receive runner-up or participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 97% - 95% 03% - 05% 00% - 01%
8 If nominated, your design is highly likely to win a Silver or Bronze A' Design Award. Your design is very less likely to receive runner-up or participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 95% - 90% 05% - 10% 00% - 01%
7 If nominated, your design is highly likely to win a Bronze or A' Design Award. Your design is less likely to receive runner-up, very less likely to receive participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 90% - 70% 10% - 30% 01% - 05%
6 If nominated, your design is likely to win a A' Design Award. Your design is less likely to receive runner-up status and your design is very less likely to receive participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 70% - 20% 30% - 80% 10% - 20%
5 If nominated, your design is less likely to win a A' Design Award and more likely to become a Runner-Up.Your design is very less likely to receive participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 30% - 10% 70% - 90% 20% - 30%
4 If nominated, your design is very less likely to win a A' Design Award and very more likely to become a Runner-Up. Your design is very less likely to receive participant status. If jury requested changes, update your design and proceed with nomination. If jury did not request any changes, proceed with nomination. 10% - 05% 90% - 95% 40% - 60%
3 If nominated, your design is unlikely to win a A' Design Award, less likely to become a Runner-Up and more likely to receive Participant status. Do not nominate as is. Improve both the design and presentation, after changes resubmit for re-evaluation. 00% - 01% 10% - 30% 90% - 70%
2 If nominated, your design is unlikely to win a A' Design Award, less likely to become a Runner-Up and more likely to receive Participant status. Do not nominate as is. Improve both the design and presentation, after changes resubmit for re-evaluation. 00% - 01% 03% - 05% 97% - 95%
1 If nominated, your design is unlikely to win a A' Design Award, less likely to become a Runner-Up and more likely to receive Participant status. Do not nominate as is. Improve both the design and presentation, after changes resubmit for re-evaluation. 00% - 01% 01% - 03% 99% - 97%
0 If nominated, your design is very unlikely to win a A' Design Award, very less likely to become a Runner-Up and highly likely to receive Participant status. Do not nominate as is. Improve both the design and presentation, after changes resubmit for re-evaluation. 00% - 01% 00% - 01% 99% - 99%


Entries that receive a preliminary score of 9 or 10 are eligible for merit-based discounts to reduce nomination fees. Please kindly note that these discounts only relate to nomination fees and differ for each account type as well as entry methods. Please see the table below for a better understanding.

Score Account Type
  Enterprise Agency Professional Non-Profit Academic Young Start-Up Media Government 
10 10 % 10 % 20 % 10 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 20 % 10 %
9 - - 10 % - 10 % 10 % 10 % 10 % -

Score Account Type
  Enterprise Agency Professional Non-Profit Academic Young Start-Up Media Government 
10 10 % 10 % 20 % 10 % 20 % 50 % 20 % 20 % 10 %
9 - - 10 % - 10 % 20 % 10 % 10 % -

Good to Know: It is possible that a single design might have different Preliminary Scores, with the same exact presentation. This happens under two cases: First, a different Preliminary Jury Member might have reviewed your design and provided you a different score. Second, the same Preliminary Jury Member who reviewed your design earlier could re-review your work in detail and provide an updated score after an in-depth consideration.

Not Accurate: (1) Preliminary Scores are subjective and not accurate; preliminary jurors cannot correctly predict what your final result would be after Grand Jury voting. Your final outcome could be same, better or worse than your Preliminary Score, without any guarantees or warranties. (2) We do however, have a Second-Chance Policy, in case your Preliminary Score deviates significantly from your final outcome. (3) You may consider ordering Entry Insurance Service if you believe you have high risk of elimination and you could order Professional Preliminary Checks if you need a more detailed review.

You can learn the differences between Professional Edition and Digital Edition here.

Design Check-Up

If you wish to join A' Design Award & Competition but not sure of how good your design is in comparison to others, you can Register and upload your work today to Get a Free Preliminary Score.

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A' Design Award & Competition.