Kan Zhao Designer Profile
Kan Zhao is an award-winning designer with 4 featured award-winning projects.
Kan Zhao

Associate Professor / Master's Supervisor, Zhejiang Gongshang University Responsibilities: Brand Design / Visual Design, etc. Mr. Zhao graduated with a master's degree from Tongji University. He currently works as the Design Director at Hangzhou Big Soundwave Culture Creative Co., Ltd., and has been engaged in brand and VI design for 18 years. He has served various brands including Alibaba Group, Ant Group, Zhejiang Natural Museum, Zhejiang Wuzhen Internet Conference, Louwailou, and has completed nearly 50 projects. He has won awards such as the Red Dot Award, IF Design Award, Hong Kong Global Design Award, and Hiiibrand Award.

Taishun Creative Design Competition Event Visual Communication
Ant Digital Brand Identity
Jingting Mountain Scenic Area Brand Identity
CZBank Youth Speech Contest Event Visual Communication