Jung Joo Sohn Designer Profile
Jung Joo Sohn is an award-winning designer with 5 featured award-winning projects.
Jung Joo Sohn

Jung Joo Sohn is an assistant professor of industrial and interaction design at Purdue University. Prior to joining Purdue, Sohn spent more than eight years as a UX (user experience) designer in the Corporate Design Center at Samsung Electronics and was a visiting scholar with the Aware Home Research Initiative (AHRI) at Georgia Institute of Technology. As a multidisciplinary designer, he contributed emerging devices, new mobile services (e.g., artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and health care), and related user interfaces with cutting-edge technologies in growth markets. Sohn’s research interests lie in the fields of industrial design, interaction design, and user experience. In the fusion of these fields, he focuses on developing technology in harmony with human sensibility and emotions.

Fetch Mobile Application
With Mobile Application
T and F Timer
Air Shield Multifunctional Workstation
ListSmart Application