Named Sogno Jewelry Design Brand Identity System
Sogno Jewelry Design Brand Identity System is Bronze Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Award Category.
Sogno Jewelry Design Brand Identity System

This project aimed to create Sogno's unique visual expression for customers to have a good experience and to evolve into a sustainable and more trusted brand in the long run. Sogno's circle symbolizes a ring, a medium that embodies the special connection between two people (lovers, friends, or family). This circle signifies the creation and development of relationships and building lasting values that connect to Sogno's philosophy of the non-retrogressive cycle, the most basic principle of nature.

Sogno Jewelry Design Brand Identity System
Named Sogno Jewelry Design
Named Brand Identity System
Named design
Named design

‘Named’ is a brand design company responding sensitively to the trends in society, culture, art & lifestyle in general. We systematically analyze them from the cornerstone to the fluidic perspective to understand the context of the phenomenon accurately. We build a brand new and differentiated brand platform through close partnerships with our customers based on their sense of ownership.


Started in 2007, Sogno became famous by introducing the unique design that boldly applies natural textures, which requires a high level of technology. It became known as its signature style, inspired by nature and expressed in a completely different way from other designer brands. However, with the changes of the times, such as the growth of latecomers, indiscriminate copying, and changes in the market, the brands also recognized the need for progress, which led to the brand identity renewal as part of creating a positive brand image. Through this renewal, the goal is to build a foundation for Sogno’s various groups of customers to have a good experience and to evolve into a sustainable and more trusted brand in the long run.