Nargiza Usmanova Global Vision at Nuit Blanche Lighting Art Installation
Global Vision at Nuit Blanche Lighting Art Installation is Silver Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Lighting Projects and Light Art Design Award Category.
Global Vision at Nuit Blanche Lighting Art Installation

The Global Vision is a monumental eye-shaped light installation that embodies the theme of immigration. The installation allows people to walk through a colorful labyrinth that sheds light on the challenges of immigration. The structure's colors constantly alter which symbolizes the changes that immigrants face in a new environment. When viewed from above, a giant eye is formed by the intersection of two semicircles which represent the East and West hemispheres on Earth.

Global Vision at Nuit Blanche Lighting Art Installation
Nargiza Usmanova Global Vision at Nuit Blanche
Nargiza Usmanova Lighting Art Installation
Nargiza Usmanova design
Nargiza Usmanova design
Nargiza Usmanova

NARGIZA USMANOVA Co-founder / Designer, Visual Artist Nargiza is a professional designer who has created hundreds of eye-catching projects for her clients. She holds a diploma in Graphic & Industrial Design and has worked as a Chief Designer and Art Director throughout her career. Nargiza has achieved great results in different areas of visual arts including Graphic / Exhibit / Lighting Design and Illustration. She is recognized and well-known for her outstanding imagination, creativity and tremendous passion for Art and related fields.

Nuit Blanche 2022

Nuit Blanche Toronto is the city’s annual all-night celebration of contemporary art, produced by the City of Toronto in collaboration with Toronto’s arts community. Each Toronto Nuit Blanche has a different theme explored through different interactive exhibitions splashed across the city, from Nathan Phillips Square to the Scarborough Centre to the Fort York National Historic Site and more traditional venues like the Aga Khan Museum.