Taut and Tight Skin Lift Bra
Skin Lift Bra is Bronze Design Award winner in 2022 - 2023 Fashion, Apparel and Garment Design Award Category.
Skin Lift Bra

This skin lift bra offers instant improvement on the tummy's skin texture. Its results are similar to a tummy tuck without the pain, costs and risks of surgery. The skin on the tummy gets attached onto the garment by means of a special technique, instantly creating younger looking skin and a slim waistline. This skin bra also improves the shape of the body without the discomfort of a shape garment as it is light and comfortable to wear, but its main function is to improve the look of exposed skin, offering women the confidence to wear revealing clothes, regardless of their age and shape.

Skin Lift Bra
Taut and Tight Skin Lift
Taut and Tight Bra
Taut and Tight design
Taut and Tight design
Taut and Tight

Kitty is primary a very social person and she enjoys helping people in need. Family is very important to her; she has 2 children,2 stepchildren and 2 grandchildren. She has a wide circle of close friends and enjoys cooking, reading, traveling, playing tennis, and golf. studying Italian and playing bridge.She is very interested in the spiritual side of life and has discovered a way to connect with the Universe at large. These connections and guidance have been instrumental in encouraging her to enter this competition and have helped her on the road to creating this design and overcoming the challenges she encountered on the way to designing and perfecting the skin lift bra.

Taut and

Taut and Tight's brand is about making women feel good about themselves and their bodies, to feel better in their own skin. The aim is to become a global brand for skin lifting. To make women feel confident about wearing revealing clothes regardless of their age or shape. After introducing the skin lift on the tummy, the next aim is to introduce a skin lift on the knees, upper arms and decolletage. Eventually also to branch out into a swimwear range, tank tops, shorts etc.