Guangpeng Yue Honeycomb Modular Multifunctional Drone
Honeycomb Modular Multifunctional Drone is Silver Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Robotics, Automaton and Automation Design Award Category.
Honeycomb Modular Multifunctional Drone

This work is a product that realizes multi functions through modularization. The UAV can carry modules of various functions to complete various tasks. Its module functions include fire protection, delivery, spraying, camera, ultraviolet disinfection, sowing. The modules are connected by strong magnetism. The UAV can be added and carried modules according to personal preferences and needs, which truly realizes the multi purpose of one machine.

Honeycomb Modular Multifunctional Drone
Guangpeng Yue Honeycomb
Guangpeng Yue Modular Multifunctional Drone
Guangpeng Yue design
Guangpeng Yue design
Guangpeng Yue

这是一所公立美术学院,立志为学生 来更好的教育,为设计做出贡献。

LuXun Academy of Fine Arts

LuXun Academy of Fine Arts founded in 1938, is located in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. It is the only multi-disciplinary and multi-degree higher art school in Northeast China. Its predecessor is Lu Xun Art The college was initiated by Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and others personally. It is one of China's eight major academies of fine arts and a key university in Liaoning Province.